Eric Adams Stands In A Dark Suit And Blue Tie.

City Hall Official Faces Charges of Witness Tampering in Adams Investigation

Mohamed Bahi resigns from mayor’s office amid accusations of witness tampering.

In a recent development, Mohamed Bahi, the former chief liaison to the Muslim community for Mayor Eric Adams, has been arrested on federal charges of witness tampering and destruction of evidence. These charges are linked to the investigation into illegal contributions made to Mayor Adams’s 2021 mayoral campaign. The arrest of Mr. Bahi has significant implications for Mayor Adams, as it suggests a broader scope of the investigation than previously thought.

The investigation revealed that a businessman who made straw donations to Mayor Adams’s campaign on behalf of four employees has been cooperating with federal authorities. Initially, this businessman misled investigators but was encouraged by Mr. Bahi, who claimed to have spoken to Mayor Adams, to continue doing so. During a subsequent meeting, Mr. Bahi implied that he had met with Mayor Adams and conveyed that the mayor believed the businessman was not cooperating with authorities. Furthermore, Mr. Bahi allegedly advised the four straw donors to also deceive investigators.

This development sheds new light on the case against Mayor Adams, contradicting earlier claims by his lawyer that the indictment was primarily based on the cooperation of another former aide. The charges against Mr. Bahi underscore the seriousness of the allegations and the potential legal ramifications for those involved in the campaign finance scandal.

The arrest of Mohamed Bahi underscores the ongoing legal challenges facing Mayor Eric Adams and raises questions about the extent of his knowledge and involvement in the alleged illegal campaign contributions. As the investigation continues to unfold, it remains to be seen how this latest development will impact the case against Mayor Adams and those implicated in the scandal.

Source: The NY Times

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