Jumaane Williams, Wearing A Dark Purple Blazer And Beaded Necklace, Speaks Into News Microphones On A City Sidewalk.

Consequences of Mayor Eric Adams Resignation

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If Mayor Eric Adams were to step down from his position in New York City, the current public advocate, Jumaane Williams, would step in as the acting mayor. Williams, a Democrat from Brooklyn, has been serving as public advocate since winning a special election in 2019 and was re-elected to a full term in 2021. He has been a vocal critic of Mayor Adams, particularly regarding policing strategies and the treatment of inmates in city jails. Williams has also expressed concerns about the mayor’s ability to effectively govern in light of ongoing federal investigations.

In the event of Mayor Adams’ resignation, Williams would have three days to announce a special election to select a new mayor, as per the city’s charter. This nonpartisan election could take place within 90 days and would utilize the ranked-choice voting system, allowing voters to rank multiple candidates in order of preference. Notably, no public advocate has ever assumed the role of acting mayor before, with only two previous mayors resigning due to corruption scandals.

Williams has been vocal about his frustrations with the headlines surrounding Mayor Adams and his administration, likening the corruption scandals to the infamous Tammany Hall era. He has expressed concerns about the city’s ability to function effectively under such circumstances. Despite calls for his resignation, Mayor Adams has maintained that he will not step down, citing the support he received from voters in the 2021 election.

Following the recent news of his indictment, Mayor Adams reiterated his commitment to serving the people of New York City and vowed to fight any charges with determination and resolve. He emphasized that he had anticipated facing challenges in his role and remained steadfast in his dedication to the city and its residents.

Source: The NY Times

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