A Mop Buckets Sits At The 8Th Avenue L Train Terminus.

Lawsuit Filed by Comptroller Against MTA for Alleged Theft of Millions in COVID-Era Wages

Contractors hired by the MTA during the pandemic are accused of not paying close to 400 workers over $2.5 million. Lawsuits have been filed against LnPro Services LLC and Fleetwash Inc. for underpaying workers who cleaned subway cars. The workers faced dangerous conditions during the pandemic and were not paid the prevailing wage they were owed. The lawsuits seek justice and accountability for the workers. The MTA spent over $220 million on third-party contractors for cleaning services. The companies accused of underpayment did not respond to requests for comment. Previous disputes over pay for contract cleaners have occurred, and the MTA has since hired new employees to handle cleaning duties.

In the wake of the pandemic, the Metropolitan Transportation Authority (MTA) hired contractors to bring in subway car cleaners, but two of these contractors, LnPro Services LLC and Fleetwash Inc., are now facing accusations of withholding over $2.5 million from nearly 400 workers. The city Comptroller Brad Lander filed lawsuits against these companies, alleging that they failed to pay the predominantly Latino workforce the wages they were owed for their work cleaning and disinfecting subway cars at various terminals during the pandemic.

According to the lawsuits, LnPro Services and its president Nayely Delarosa, also known as Lily Sierra, are accused of underpaying workers by more than $1.7 million at terminals in Brooklyn and Queens between May 2020 and February 2021. Fleetwash Inc. is also accused of underpaying workers at the Manhattan terminal. The lawsuits seek to hold these companies accountable for cheating workers out of their rightful wages.

The MTA had spent over $220 million on third-party contractors for cleaning and disinfecting subway cars in 2020 and 2021. Despite the significant investment in cleaning services, these lawsuits highlight the alleged exploitation of workers who played a crucial role in ensuring the safety of the public transportation system during the pandemic.

The lawsuits filed by the city Comptroller’s office aim to bring justice to the affected workers and emphasize the importance of holding contractors accountable for their actions. The lawsuits also shed light on the challenges faced by contract workers in the cleaning industry, particularly during times of crisis like the COVID-19 pandemic.

It is crucial for companies like LnPro Services and Fleetwash Inc. to uphold fair labor practices and ensure that workers are compensated fairly for their hard work. By addressing these issues through legal action, the city is sending a strong message that exploitation of workers will not be tolerated, especially in essential industries like public transportation.

As the legal battle unfolds, it is essential for all parties involved to cooperate and work towards a resolution that prioritizes the rights and well-being of the workers who were allegedly deprived of their rightful wages. The outcome of these lawsuits will not only impact the affected workers but also set a precedent for holding companies accountable for their treatment of contract workers in the future.

Source: TheCity.NYC


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