A Woman With A Baby Walks Near A Man Sprawled On The Sidewalk. A White Cross Labeled “Iglesia Pentecostal” Hangs Over Her Head.

The Transformation of a Harlem Block: A Story of Urban Despair and Hope

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The area along 125th Street between Park and Lexington Avenues sees a high volume of foot traffic daily, with many commuters passing through on their way to catch trains or head to other parts of the city. Despite the initial appearance of urban disorder with closed storefronts, litter, and public drug use, a closer look reveals a complex ecosystem of individuals from various backgrounds.

The block is home to a mix of drug dealers, drug users, teachers, doctors, counselors, and police officers. Some individuals seek help on the block, while others come to offer assistance. There are those who take advantage of the vulnerable, while others are simply trying to survive. Some residents have embraced the presence of drug-addicted individuals in their community, while others wish for a cleaner and safer environment.

Similar scenes can be found in different boroughs of New York City, such as the commercial area around 149th and Third Avenue in the Bronx and parts of Jackson Heights in Queens. However, the area around 125th Street stands out due to its location on a major commuter route and its proximity to the rapidly gentrifying neighborhood of Harlem.

Source: The NY Times

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